Thursday, 12 September 2013

Bleak I

Drip, drop, his ears spring up
Three a.m. and someone filling his cup
Head is heavy, floor starts to spin
Ignore the intruder, take a deep breath in

Light from one reveals another
C.G. sparks it up, he truly is my brother
Numbing sensation, grin on my face
Can't wipe it out, so a puff in its place

T.B. quivers; this isn't a virgin mix
His eyes crimson, he'll be high till six
I take a drag, it sets my mind alight
Body in a cubicle, soul in flight

I pass it on, three pulls each
But C.G. puts another in my reach
Epiphanies strike in the realm of the spiritual
And so goes on this innately fulfilling ritual

As the light moves closer to my finger tips
I slow down my intake to feeble sips
One puff each is the call
They taxi around, pleasing us all

Flick them into the bowl, it's time to go
Or let's linger on a bit; can't reach the door
Zombie the way out with ashes in our wake
We'll return with another, for I.F.'s sake

But first, I must dissolve into my playlist, the Ultimate Trip
Undulating bass lines cherish me in their grip
Music video playing in my mind
Yesterday's problems left carelessly behind

Knock on my door, time to boom
Red eyes greet me outside my room
Unwavering grins obviate all strife
To the cubicle - I love my life!

(This image is not my property.)


Note: This piece has many fictional elements.