Saturday, 19 September 2015

Dreamscapes I

[ I ]

Something to brood over

  Every dream is not alike. Geographically, creatively and even temporally, most dreams differ in large magnitudes. Indeed, the very system of physics seems to differ among different dreams. Every dream could in fact contain a universe of its own. How would you possibly even grasp at something to say '”this is my starting position!”? The solution is the oft-applied (and oft-enforced) guideline of forgetting everything that you know. Welcome. Is it possible, now, to provide ourselves with a set of static variables which are 'felt' by every dreamer? I say 'felt' because I am at a loss for words; these variables could well be completely intangible in our waking state, and sensing them could be beyond the boundaries of our ordinarily espoused senses. Consider now a completely different metric, something which we might not yet be able to define. An example would be the dream-ending trigger of death – something known to anyone who has ever dreamed. Death automatically wakes up the dreamer. Now this is a global static variable, this 'death trigger.' Could, then, the death trigger be quantified? Could it be traded with? Could it be monetized?

  It is remarkable to think of a dreamscape wherein the mind of the dreamer processes data – useful data amidst what is seemingly nonsense (FOR NOW); data which can be quantified; data which might have applications in the dream world or even the real, waking world. The 'DreamCoin,' is the logical, hack-y name for the inevitable outcome, named along the lines of a popular online currency. The similarity between the two is striking; there's a certain almost-shadowy vagueness to them. Both use processing or thinking power to 'mine' information. Stuck as we are on our shrinking planet (FOR NOW), the Internet and the Within (which is enriched by meditation, spirituality, eco-friendly living and the speculated 'network of dreamscapes,' along with an infinite number of recently-revived soulful activities and fads) seem to be the best fields for those looking for exploratory roles in today's life.

  An entire economy could develop based on dream-based services. While not entirely original, the idea of productivity within one's dreaming hours is forever going to remain an attractive and threateningly inconceivable one. Like the white, unmarked territory of most of Africa in Joseph Conrad's seminal Heart of Darkness, the dreamscape 'topology' (in metrics of dream-deaths! in metrics of lucid-dream success rate!) would be fresh adventure, ready for people to make their fortune all in their minds. An assuredly formidable change – an age defining change – will follow.

  The Internet, the already-evolved cousin of our 'dreamscape network' can aid in its formation. Forums could (and already do) discuss lucid dreaming. Simple phone apps and diaries can log dreams. A network can be formed out of a group of dreamers who decide to 'map' the 'dreamscape topology' on their own, probably just for kicks, possibly making their fortune along the way. Not unlike the sheer aesthetic charm (as well as the suspicion that they aid in the development of reflexes and hand-eye coordination) that makes us not think of video gaming as truly 'bad,' the yet-in-development art of lucid dreaming would draw both casual once-a-month dreamers and hardcore 'awake-all-day' dreamers, as well as a particularly harsh crowd of naysayers and jeer-ers. One day, two people may meet in their sleep.

  Lucid dreaming and dream-sharing can turn into a trend: a trend as widespread as the social network revolution, bringing us what can be perceived as a superpower – until, of course, the trend is large enough for everyone to wield the power, making it normative and finally sealing it as the next step in our evolution. All this power is completely beyond the jurisdiction of anything man has yet defined, and starting now, the bored millennial generations can finally find something to truly do when they're restless on their beds at night. Maybe one day, the wildest dream out of the mind of a three-year-old child could prove to be prophecy for the world!

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